3 ways the Powder House Ski Shops can get you the most out of early season high pressure skiing.

I have heard a lot of people complain that they only come to Alta to ski powder, and when the powder doesn’t fly neither do they. In my years of working at the Powder House Ski Shop I have seen early seasons where we have been skiing waist deep snow, and I have seen seasons where we have had to take off our skis off and walk to the lifts. The one thing I see every year is ill-equipped, over-confident, and under prepared people of all skiing abilities STRUGGLE on the first real deep, real long ski day. Please take my advice: If the skiing isn’t hitting here, it’s not hitting anywhere: Use this time to dial in you gear and break in your ski legs so that when the getting is good you will be ready to get the goods.

1. The number one thing that you can do to prepare yourself for a long day of slaying powder is to ski. Don’t be tempted to cancel your trip because good isn’t great. A bad day in Alta is better than most anywhere. Use this time to physically and mentally prepare yourself to get the most from the almost spiritual experiences sure to come when mother nature unleashes on Little Cottonwood Canyon. Nothing will get you in shape for skiing like skiing.

2. Make sure your boots are dialed. Nothing has the ability to make you suffer (both mentally and physically) like an ill fitting pair of boots. Before the big day (key word: before)  bring your boots in to the Masterfit Certified Boot Fitters at the Power House Ski Shops to work out all the kinks. Be sure to ask for a custom foot bed, it will allow you to ski harder and longer in comfort (even if it mean one more run on that magical day, it will be worth it).

3. Tune your gear! Don’t get caught fighting your way across the High Traverse, and ensure ultimate downhill pleasure by bringing your skis to the Powder House Ski Shops and asking for the “Butter Tune.” We know what it means…

Remember: “If you aren’t having fun, you’re not doing it right…”

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